In Same Different Person, I take portraits of people I know in different settings, mostly locations they frequent but also possibly a random somewhere in a random passing moment.
I try to cram my thoughts as the observer and theirs as the subject into each series of ten digital photographs in color using the same focal length plus composition throughout. While I know this number doesn’t sound ample in terms of perceiving the multidimensionality, uniformity or something in between of a persona, I make it up with a realist approach to make sure I’m not wasting any information in the frame. If it’s a personal space, there’s no need for cleanup; if public, let the background interfered at all times. The person chooses the clothes, accessories and props they see fit after discussing the shooting places, which might just actually be them in action, and I capture when I feel like going out. Beside where I place my camera, I control pretty much nothing else. Everything is therefore done either within an afternoon or over months.
As someone who needs a lot of time alone to recharge after the draining act of socializing, I constantly adjust myself to various environments in and out, thus generating my curiosity about the possibility of such patterns visually detected in others. This would be my first long-term project since I’m fortunate to befriend so many interesting, beautiful human beings and would probably run into more as my journey continues. Neither the photographed individual nor I fully apprehend whether these images render reality, so that leaves the spectator and hopefully their own mosaic of a stranger’s life.